Launching The Best

FactO Productions (originally called Fakkus) is a large company that produces websites, softwares, tech and more! It is owned by Bleys Robertson.

About Wyco Netz image
Wyco Netz is a big software we have created. It features 4 virtual assistants named Ceres, Orcas, Eris and Pluto. These can be commanded by saying "Hey Ceres, cast to my TV" or "Hey Orcas, play Mozart Symphony No. 2". Here are some commands!

"Hey Eris, what is the time"
"Hey Eris, cast to my phone"
"Hey Ceres, shutdown my PC"
"Hey Ceres, open Browser"
"Hey Orcas, send an email to Jim"
"Hey Orcas, read a book"
"Hey Pluto, play NetzTube"
"Hey Pluto, eject my USB stick"

Those are some cool commands. Now to our versions. Wyco Netz HARP is now not supported, but you can use Wyco Netz Server 8. The newest version is 90.5, but soon you can update to 20. That is coming out in 2020.
Here are more commands for Pluto, Ceres, Eris and Orcas...

"Hey Orcas, read the news"
"Hey Orcas, tell me beef recipes"
"Hey Orcas, translate hello to german"
"Hey Orcas, what is 90 metres in feet?"
"Hey Pluto, open Menu"
"Hey Pluto, connect to wifi"
"Hey Pluto, is mobile data on?"
"Hey Pluto, download the latest software"
"Hey Eris, cast media to Dan's Cool TV"
"Hey Eris, what's on my to-do list?"
"Hey Eris, tell me a joke!"
"Hey Eris, turn on light mode"
"Hey Ceres, send a text to Jane"
"Hey Ceres, what's the time in China?"
"Hey Ceres, tell me a fact"
"Hey Ceres, surprise me!"
"Hey Orcas, remind me to have lunch with Greg"
"Hey Pluto, open a new tab"
"Hey Eris, visit"
"Hey Ceres, knock-knock!"

These are just some of the many commands the assistants (Pluto, Eris, Ceres and Orcas) can do! We hope you enjoy these new features on Wyco Netz. Are you a user on Wyco Netz Hyde? Upgrade to Hyde 2 to use these amazing helpful assistants! Thanks so much for reading these amazing commands! Thanks!

How Can I Help You?

Say "Hey Eris"

This will only work on Wyco Netz software Hyde 2 - 90.5